28 December, 2010

cupid speed dating dinner/ 速配聚餐 15/01/2011

 Booking Full & Closed

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles/最新单身联谊活动

Small Group Speed Dating  Dinner 
15/01/2011; Saturday, 6.30pm-10.30pm
小型速配聚餐 15/01/2011;星期六,傍晚6.30pm-10.30pm
Cupid Space Dating is organizing Small Group Speed Dating Dinner :
  Date :15/01/2011 ( Saturday)
  Time : 6.30pm-10.30pm 
  Venue :Canteen cafe & restaurant , bandar damansara perdana, PJ

Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese, legally single:
  Female age 25-36 ( Education : Diploma & degree above) 
    Male age  25-42 ( Education :  Diploma & Degree above) 

Call -03-77262266/012-2401802 for reservation ,
 closing date : 03/01/2011

日期: 15/01/2011 (星期六)
时间: 6.30pm-10.30pm

对象 : 马来西亚华裔单身男女

对象:  女性 : 25-36岁 (教育程度 :大专及大学以上)
          男性 : 25-42岁; ( 教育程度:大专及大学以上)

报名联络 : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期 : 03/01/2011     


23 December, 2010

cupid computer matching on 8/1/2011/电脑配对

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    08/01/ 2011(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2011年018日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 08/01/2011(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansara Perdana venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266/012-2401802 for pre-booking.

For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於08/01/2011(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266/012-2401802 预约。


Cupid Speed Dating HI-Tea Photos/速配下午茶活动照片

08 December, 2010

20 October, 2010

Cupid Speed Dating Dinner 速配聚餐 13/11/2010

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles/最新单身联谊活动

Small Group Speed Dating  Dinner 
13/11/2010; Saturday, 6.30pm-10.30pm
小型速配聚餐 13/11/2010;星期六,傍晚6.30pm-10.30pm
Cupid Space Dating is organizing Small Group Speed Dating Dinner :
  Date :13/11/2010 ( Saturday)
  Time : 6.30pm-10.30pm 
  Venue : Bayu Timor Restorant & kafe at 13 Jln SS 24/8, Taman Megah, PJ.

Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese, legally single:
 GROUP A : Female age 25-36 ( Education : High School and Diploma) 
                   Male age  25-42 ( Education : High school , Diploma, Degree) 
GROUP B  : Female age 37-42 
                  Male age 43-52 ( Education : High school, Diploma, Degree and above)

Call -03-77262266/012-2401802 for reservation ,
 closing date : 1/11/2010

日期: 13/11/2010 (星期六)
时间: 6.30pm-10.30pm

对象 : 马来西亚华裔单身男女

A 组: 女性 : 25-36岁 (教育程度 :中学和大专)
          男性 : 25-42岁; ( 教育程度: 中学,大专及大学)
B 组: 女性 : 37-42岁 (教育程度 :中学,大专及大学以上)
          男性 : 43-52岁; ( 教育程度: 中学,大专及大学以上)

报名联络 : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期 : 1/11/2010     


18 October, 2010

cupid computer matching open day on 2/11/2010

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    06/11/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年116日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 06/11/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansara Perdana venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266/012-2401802 for pre-booking.

For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於06/11/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266/012-2401802 预约。


27 September, 2010

Cupid Speed Dating Dinner/速配聚餐 09/10/2010

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles/最新单身联谊活动

Small Group Speed Dating  Dinner 
09/10/2010; Saturday, 6.30pm-10.30pm
小型速配聚餐 09/10/2010;星期六,傍晚6.30pm-10.30pm
Cupid Space Dating is organizing Small Group Speed Dating Dinner :
  Date :09/10/2010 ( Saturday)
  Time : 6.30pm-10.30pm 
  Venue : Bayu Timor Restorant & kafe at 13 Jln SS 24/8, Taman Megah, PJ.

Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese, legally single:
 Female age 25-36 ;  Male age  25-42 ( Education : Diploma, Degree& above)

Call -03-77262266/012-2401802 for reservation ,
 closing date : 1/10/2010

日期: 09/10/2010 (星期六)
时间: 6.30pm-10.30pm

对象 : 马来西亚华裔单身男女

女性 : 25-36岁 ; 男性: 25-42岁; ( 教育程度: 大专及大学以上)

报名联络 : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期 : 1/10/2010     


23 September, 2010

cupid computer matching open day on 2/10/2010

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    02/10/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年94日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 02/10/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansara Perdana venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266/012-2401802 for pre-booking.

For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於02/10/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266/012-2401802 预约。


04 September, 2010

Cupid Lohas Trip 19/9/2010/《丘比特的天空》乐活之旅

 1more seat available for Ladies Age: 25 to 34, Education Level: Diploma and Degree above, Call NOW for booking at 012-2401802

Cupid Space Lohas 1 Day Trip on 19/9/2010

《丘比特的天空》- 乐活1日游, 19/9/2010
Booking Hotline
012-2401802 /03-77262266

Cupid Space is organizing 1 day trip (for Malaysian Chinese who are legally single) to Titi Eco Farm at Negeri Sembilan On 19/9/2010, From 7.45am to 8.45pm, cupid members will be gather at Wisma MCA, Jalan Ampang at 7.45am on 19/9/2010 , departing by coach, the Ice Breaking for all single members will starts from 7.45am until 8.45pm. Qualify cupid members are encourage to book for the trip before the closing date on 30/08/2010

 Event Details :
Event : Cupid Lohas 1 Day Trip ( Titi Eco Organic Farm)
Date  : 19/9/2010 (7.45am - 8.45pm)/Sunday
Target Group : Malaysian Chinese , legally single
                       Female age : 25-36 ; Male age : 28-42 
Fee                : RM160 per person
                      ( included transport, organic farm entry fee, lunch, dinner , activities and speed dating)
Closing Date : 30/8/2010

《丘比特的天空》将於 2010年9月19日(星期天)举办“知知港有机农场” 1日游, 让单身华裔男女相互认识,有关联谊配对活动将从19日当天7.45am 於Jalan Ampang 马华大厦集合开始进行联谊活动至晚上8.45 pm, 有意参与的会员必须於30/8/2010 之前向活动中心报名。
活动详情 :
日期 : 19/9/2010,星期日, 7.45am - 8.45pm
          女性 :年龄 : 25-36岁 ; 男性:年龄 : 28-42岁
费用 :RM160 ( 包括交通,有机农场入场费,有机午餐,晚餐,活动和速配)
报名截止 : 30/08/2010

24 August, 2010

cupid space computer matching/电脑配对4/9/2010

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    04/09/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年94日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 04/09/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansara Perdana venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266 for pre-booking.

For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於04/09/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266 预约。


23 July, 2010

Speed Dating Lunch on 15/08/2010/速配聚餐

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles/最新单身联谊活动

Small Group Speed Dating  Lunch
15/08/2010; Sunday, 12pm-4.00pm
小型速配聚餐 15/08/2010;星期日,12pm-4.00pm
Cupid Space Dating is organizing Small Group Speed Dating Lunch :
  Date :15/08/2010 (Sunday)
  Time : 12pm-4pm 
  Venue :The Flavour ( NO 11, JLN PJU 8/5, Damansara Perdana, PJ)

Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese, legally single:
 Female age 25-36 ;  Male age  25-42 ( Education : Diploma ; Degree & above) 

Call 03-77262266/012-2401802 for reservation
Closing Date : 30/7/2010

日期: 15/08/2010 (星期 日)
时间: 12pm-4.00pm

对象 : 马来西亚华裔单身男女

女性 : 25-36岁 ; 男性: 25-42 岁; ( 教育程度: 大专,大学以上)

报名联络 : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期 : 30/07/2010                

21 July, 2010

Cupid Computer Matching on 7/8/2010

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day
                    07/08/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm

《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年8月7日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 07/08/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansara Perdana venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266 for pre-booking.

For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於07/08/2010(星期六),10.00am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266 预约。


22 June, 2010

cupid speed dating dinner /速配聚餐17/7/2010

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles/最新单身联谊活动

Small Group Speed Dating  Dinner 
17/07/2010; Saturday, 6.30pm-10.30pm
小型速配聚餐 17/07/2010;星期六,傍晚6.30pm-10.30pm
Cupid Space Dating is organizing Small Group Speed Dating Dinner :
  Date :17/07/2010 ( Saturday)
  Time : 6.30pm-10.30pm 
  Venue : Bayu Timor Restorant & kafe at 13 Jln SS 24/8, Taman Megah, PJ.

Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese, legally single:
 Group A) Female age 25-36 ;  Male age  25-41 ( Education : Diploma; High School) 

 Group B) Female age 37-42 ; Male age 42-51 ( Education: Diploma & above)

Call -03-77262266/012-2401802 for reservation ,
 closing date : 30/06/2010

日期: 17/07/2010 (星期六)
时间: 6.30pm-10.30pm

对象 : 马来西亚华裔单身男女

A组:女性 : 25-36岁 ; 男性: 25-41岁; ( 教育程度: 中学及大专)
B组:女性 : 37-42岁 ; 男性: 42-51岁; ( 教育程度: 大专及大学以上)

报名联络 : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期 : 30/06/2010     


14 June, 2010

cupid computer matching/电脑配对服务 3/7/2010

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    03/07/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年73日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 03/07/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansara Perdana venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266 for pre-booking.

For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於03/07/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266 预约。


17 May, 2010

cupid computer matching/电脑配对服务

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    05/06/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年65日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 05/06/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansara Perdana venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266 for pre-booking.

For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於05/06/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266 预约。


11 May, 2010

 3 more seats available for Male Age : 34-41years old
只剩 3个名额予男生年龄 : 34-41岁
 Call 012-2401802 booking before 21/5/2010

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles / 最新单身联谊活动

Small Group Speed Dating Dinner 05/06/2010; Saturday, 6.30pm
小型速配聚餐晚会 05/06/2010;星期六,6.30pm

Cupid Space Dating is organizing Small Group Speed Dating Dinner on 05/06/2010, Saturday, 6.30pm-10.30pm, at Bayu Timor Restaurant, SS24, Petaling Jaya.

Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese, legally single, female age: 25-36; male age: 25-42;
Educational level : diploma, degree & above.
Call: 03-77262266 / 012-2401802 for reservation, closing date: 21/05/2010.

日期:05/06/2010 (星期六)

年龄: 男性: 25-42岁
            女性: 25-36岁

报名联络: 03-77262266 / 012-2401802
截止日期: 21/05/2010

30 April, 2010

Cupid Space Malacca 1 Day Trip/ 马六甲缘分之旅

Few More Seats available for Melacca  Day Trip on 15/05/2010
Call 012-2401802 now 
to book & secure your seat !

Up Coming  Event For Eligible Singles-

Cupid Space Malacca 1 Day Trip , 15 May 2010 (Saturday)

 《丘比特的天空》马六甲缘分之旅- 15/05/2010 (星期六)

丘比特的天空马六甲缘分之旅/ Cupid Melaka Day Trip For Eligible Singles

日期 /Date : 15/05/2010 
时间/Time : 8am-9pm

对象/Target : 马来西亚华裔单身男女/Malaysian Chinese who are legally single
年龄/Age : 男性/Male: 28-40岁
                    女性 /Female: 25-35岁

报名联络/Booking Hotline : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期/Closing Date :03/05/2010                

Computer matching/电脑配对

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    08/05/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年58日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 08/05/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansara Perdana venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266 for pre-booking.

For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於08/05/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266 预约。


01 April, 2010

Small Group Speed Dating Dinner/小型速配聚餐

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles/最新单身联谊活动

Small Group Speed Dating  Dinner 
17/07/2010; Saturday, 6.30pm-10.30pm
小型速配聚餐 17/07/2010;星期六,傍晚6.30pm-10.30pm
Cupid Space Dating is organizing Small Group Speed Dating Dinner :
  Date :17/07/2010 ( Saturday)
  Time : 6.30pm-10.30pm 
  Venue : Bayu Timor Restorant & kafe at 13 Jln SS 24/8, Taman Megah, PJ.

Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese, legally single, 
 Group A) Female age 25-36 ;  Male age  25-41 ( Education : Diploma & High School)
 Group B) Female age 37-42 ; Male age 42-51 ( Education: Diploma & above)

Call -03-77262266/012-2401802 for reservation ,
 closing date : 30/06/2010

日期: 17/07/2010 (星期六)
时间: 6.30pm-10.30pm

对象 : 马来西亚华裔单身男女

A组:女性 : 25-36岁 ; 男性: 25-41岁; ( 教育程度: 中学及大专)

B组:女性 : 37-42岁 ; 男性: 42-51岁; ( 教育程度: 大专及大学以上)

报名联络 : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期 : 30/06/2010     


30 March, 2010

Computer matching/电脑配对

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    03/04/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年43日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 03/04/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansar Perdanan venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266 for pre-booking
For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於03/04/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266 预约。


19 March, 2010

Cupid Space Up Coming Event

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles/最新单身联谊活动

2 Days 1 Night PD Trip 17/04 & 18/04/2010
波德申缘分之旅17/04 & 18/04/2010


 Cupid Space Dating is organizing 2 days 1 night on 17/04 & 18/04/2010, Saturday & Sunday.  
Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese,legally single, female age: 25-36; male age: 25-42;
educational level : diploma & degree & above.
Call -03-77262266/012-2401802 for reservation , closing date : 29/03/2010

日期: 17/04 & 18/04/2010 (星期六&日)

对象 : 马来西亚华裔单身男女
年龄 : 男性: 25-42岁

            女性 : 25-36岁 

报名联络 : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期 :29/03/2010                

27 February, 2010

Small Group Speed Dating Dinner/小型速配聚餐晚会

Up Coming Event For Eligible Singles/最新单身联谊活动

Small Group Speed DatingDinner 20/03/2010; Saturday, 6.30pm
小型速配聚餐晚会 20/03/2010;星期六, 6.30pm


 Cupid Space Dating is organizing Small Group Speed Dating Dinner on 20/03/2010, Saturday, 6.30pm-10.30pm, at Bayu Timor Restaurant,Petaling Jaya SS24.  
Target Group : Malaysian, Chinese,legally single, female age: 25-35; male age: 25-40;
educational level : diploma & degree & above.
Call -03-77262266/012-2401802 for reservation , closing date : 05/03/2010

日期: 20/03/2010 (星期六)
时间: 6.30pm-10.30pm

对象 : 马来西亚华裔单身男女
年龄 : 男性: 25-40岁

            女性 : 25-35岁 

 报名联络 : 03-77262266/012-2401802
截止日期 : 05/02/2010                

22 February, 2010

Cupid Computer Matching/电脑配对

 Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on
                    06/03/ 2010(Saturday) ; 10am-2.30pm
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年36日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 6/03/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansar Perdanan venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266 for pre-booking
For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於06/03/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266 预约。


21 January, 2010

Cupid Space 2D1N Trip To Port Dickson/ 《丘比特的天空》2天1夜波德申之旅

Up Coming  Event For Eligible Singles-
"Most Effective Event For Singles ", LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE , BOOK NOW, CALL 03-77262266, closing date: 6/2/2010

Cupid Space 2D1N Trip To Port Dickson, 27 & 28 Feb 2010

 《丘比特的天空》2天1夜波德申之旅- 2728/02/2010

18 January, 2010

Cupid Space Computer Matching Open Day on 06/02/ 2010(Saturday)
《丘比特天空》单身电脑配对开放日 : 2010年2月6日(星期六)

Cupid Space Activities Center is opening on 6/02/2010(Saturday) form 10am -2.30pm at Damansar Perdanan venue for cupid member to do the computer matching service, those member whom are interested to do the computer matching, pls call 03-77262266 for pre-booking
For those Malaysian Chinese, legally single, age 25 and above who are interested to join Cupid Space dating activities may also submit their application form ( must attached with copy of NRIC and photo) during the above mention day and venue.

《丘比特的天空》将於06/02/2010(星期六),10am-2.30pm 间在DAMANSARA PERDANA 中心开放电脑配对服务予会员,有意参加者请联络03-77262266 预约。


14 January, 2010

   Cupid Speed Dating Party 2009 Photo Gallery/2009丘比特 《2009速配派对》活动照片

丘比特 《2009速配派对》年度大型活动在240位单身华裔男女的互动下圆满进行,当天出席的单身男女人数各半,大家都积极活动,参与所有在台上和台上所进行联谊活动,不管是以团体交流还是1对1的速配,大家都希望在派对当晚能与心仪的对象交换联络号码或电邮,保持联络。晚会於11.30pm在热歌劲舞中结束,在这里祝福所有已经在当晚互相认识及交换了电话号码的朋友能够缔造良缘 , 有好消息请记得通知红娘哦我,让我们也沾沾您的喜气 :)

Cupid Speed Dating 2009 had achieved a great succeed with fun filled interactive amongst the 240 Malaysian Chinese eligible single whom had participated the event. 

Participants were aggressively took part in all ice-breaking games and interactive sharing sessions through out the nite, whether is for teamwork games or  1 to 1 speed dating session, participants were able to exchange contact number of each other.

We wish all participant whom had spotted he/her  " Potential Partner" will be able to develop further friendship after the event.

Folks, Do keep us inform if you have any romance to share, Good Luch , God Bless :) 

List Of Commissioner For Oaths /宣誓官名单

List Of  Commissioner For Oaths /宣誓官名单